Balanced Parenthood

For so many people, the exciting and joyful experience of becoming a parent can be fraught with so much difficulty: isolation, loss of identity, renegotiating relationships, reemerging trauma…

Externally, the role of “mother,” “father,” “caregiver,” or “parent” is met with reverence, but just under the surface is a system which leaves parents to solve so many problems on their own.

To top it all off, we are living during a time of ecological collapse, social reckoning, an ongoing pandemic, and an attack on human rights. You may find yourself feeling lost or sad bringing your child/ren into a different world than you expected.

Many parents find themselves feeling guilty and lost having brought one or more children into this world—and you deserve a place to be heard and supported in those complex feelings.

I believe wholeheartedly that a parent who is supported, cared for, and fulfilled is a naturally loving and effective parent.

I am not a parenting coach. I won’t tell you how to get your kid to eat kale, or shame you for screen time, or figure out potty training. We won’t be adhering to any system or self-help book- there’s no right or wrong here! Instead, we’ll create a space that’s focused on you and your needs, where you can be a whole person first and parent second.

While your goals will be unique to you, often this therapy focuses on:

  • balancing the role of “parent” with every other role that is important to you

  • carving out real self care (none of this “sleep while the baby sleeps” or “be sure to make time for you” nonsense)

  • expressing your needs and boundaries in new relationships with your spouse, extended families, and friends

  • finding space for fun, romance, and sex in your relationship

  • managing all the feelings that come up in parenting- and life